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Idaho Fish and Game

Bell helicopter survey

Bighorn sheep and elk aerial surveys planned in the Salmon Region during February


Wildlife biologists with Idaho Fish and Game will take to the sky across the Salmon Region during February to get a closer look at bighorn sheep and elk numbers. 

Bell helicopter survey

Bighorn sheep surveys are planned in the Lemhi and Lost River mountain ranges, as well as along the Middle Fork Salmon River.  Surveys of elk are planned in big game management units 29, 37, 37A and 51.  These low-level flights are estimated to take 20-25 days to conclude depending on weather conditions.

Surveying big game with a helicopter seems to contradict the message about the importance of leaving wildlife alone during winter.  Generally, the information collected during aerial surveys can be gathered within a few minutes or less of an animal being spotted. This one-time stress is over quickly and has less long-term impact on the animal - compared to frequent encounters with people and pets.   

While labor intensive and dangerous at times, the surveys are scheduled to cover areas at the same time of the year so that information gathered is comparable from year to year.  The goal is to compare population trends, and age and sex ratios. With this information, biologists can be more precise in developing future hunting seasons.

For more information, contact the Fish and Game office in Salmon at 208-756-2271.