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Idaho Fish and Game

Lost and Found! Missing Forms Found

Data from an estimated 5,000 hunter report cards was recovered February 10, according to Assistant Director Steve Huffaker. It was still with the contractor in Omaha, Nebraska. "They did the data entry, but forgot to ship the electronic file," said Huffaker. "The additional reports will bring the results closer to where they should be at this time." Hunters who receive a reminder letter to submit the reports should still fill them out and mail them in, Huffaker said. Fish and Game will purge the duplicates from the file after it is compiled. The information is used to help set seasons and harvest levels for the upcoming year. All hunters who filed reports will have no problems purchasing a license this year. Hunters who reported by January 31 will also be eligible in the drawing to purchase one of ten "supertags" which they can use in any open hunt for that species.